C550/C560 Recurrent Training

Already been flying the Cessna Citation Ultra 560 or Bravo 550 regularly?
Need to tick off your recurrent training requirements?
This C550 and C560 Recurrent Training course:
- is for pilots who already fly the Cessna Citation Ultra 560 or Bravo 550 and need to do recurrent training
- is underpinned by evidence-based training principles and the importance of structured, regular practice
- covers aircraft systems, performance and training, plus an Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC)
This is a self-funded program. This course does NOT attract VET Student Loan and does not result in a nationally recognised qualification.
Course Details
You will:
- do two four-hour sim sessions every six months (a total of 16 hours in the sim annually)
- be Part 121 and Part 135 approved and meet the 6-monthly requirement to keep your C550 and C560 Type Rating current upon successful completion.