Instrument Rating Multi-Engine (MECIR)

Instrument Rating Multi-Engine (MECIR)

This will be the premier rating on your flight crew licence and it’s our team’s speciality.

This Multi-Engine Command Instrument Rating course:

  • allows you to navigate an aircraft under the IFR by sole reference to the instruments in non-visual conditions
  • takes your understanding of the weather to a whole new level, and
  • will challenge you while also combining learning and fun.

You’ll learn:

  • how to navigate safely through the sky and across the country or world, using ground-based and satellite-based navigation techniques
  • how to safely conduct both 2D and 3D approaches for safe arrival at your destination, and
  • how to feel comfortable and confident in taking your new skills to the sky.

This is a self-funded program. This course does NOT attract VET Student Loan and does not result in a nationally recognised qualification.

Frasca Simulator

Course Details

To meet the CASA Part 61 requirements for the issue of a Multi Engine Command Instrument Rating, you’ll need to complete a minimum of 40 hours of instrument time:

  • 20 hours of this will be completed in our fully CASA certified synthetic trainer, and
  • 20 hours will be completed in your choice of aircraft.

The flight component will be a practical application of what you’ve learned during a series of short navigational scenarios where you will develop good IFR decision-making and practical skills.